reliable, secure and deeply functional

Joy Pilot and Akahu

Joy Pilot is a cloud-based accounting software that helps freelancers and small business keep track of their business financials. Use it to create invoices, record your expenses, profit & loss reporting, GST returns, plus much more.

We use Akahu to provide us with your banking transactions direct from your bank. This vastly speeds up your bookkeeping work, and ensures you always have up-to-date financial information at your fingertips.

Setting up a bank feed using Akahu will provide on-going access to your banking transactions, you remain in control of this access and it can be cancelled by you at any time. All data collected will only be used to help with your bookkeeping within Joy Pilot.

Akahu is New Zealand’s open finance platform.

Find out more about Akahu here.


Akahu makes it simple to connect your financial accounts to trusted third parties. If you choose to connect your accounts via Akahu, you can manage those connections at

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